I was browsing youtube and came across this video by a regular vlogger named "whoissugar"
Video entitled "You know you need to wash your clothes when.."
Funny stuff! LOL
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Decisions decided: My family is important too!
Just recently we had a long talk with spiritual insight, and we have concluded that we can still have that yearning to want the best for everyone but not exclude ourselves from what we want to accomplish ad have for our family. Since my husband and I have been married, we always had the heart to help family and any other person who was in need or at least who we thought was in need. We focused so much on others that we began to neglect our own needs. Don't get me wrong, we feel that God has blessed us with a giving heart and we are privileged to be in that mind to want to help. Some people will make you feel guilty for thinking this way, but hey, I'm important too! We compromised our wants and desires to please those around us and believe me when I say it is hard work to please someone who isn't pleased with themselves.
Now with that in mind, we have to change our thinking and except that people have the ability to take care of themselves an provide for their own instead of us becoming their enablers and then be left with the guilt if something doesn't turn out the way had planned. As of today, God has opened our eyes and has shown us the way we should go for our family and what is best for our situation. It is almost a burden lifted to not feel as if we are totally obligated to others. Our priority is our family.
Now with that in mind, we have to change our thinking and except that people have the ability to take care of themselves an provide for their own instead of us becoming their enablers and then be left with the guilt if something doesn't turn out the way had planned. As of today, God has opened our eyes and has shown us the way we should go for our family and what is best for our situation. It is almost a burden lifted to not feel as if we are totally obligated to others. Our priority is our family.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Recovering from Post Pregnancy Hair Shedding
I believe this time around, I shedded the most hair. My hair has grown so much throughout my pregnancy with Reelaiah than any other baby! I tried my best not to have a lot of shedding after my pregnancy because I enjoyed the thickness and the body my hair had. Now you have seen my hair during my pregnancy, if you don't remember then check out the pictures below. My hair was easy to maintain and style. I loved it! After Reelaiah is what I wanted to keep. The length was there and the shine was there. I managed to have a well-moisturized head with the humidity of the Texas weather, I was proud! As of my last wash, I have shedded two tennis balls of hair! I did my trimming which freed me of the dead and frizzy ends and my hair feels great! I didn't lose much length, but the fullness will take some time to regain and I have to regrown my edges, because they tend to thin out after the baby. So my goal is to moisturize and manipulate my scalp daily on top of my regular washing. I will also use less heat while I am working on growing my hair. Like I mentioned before, I like my hair straightened and I refuse to wear my hair in its kinky state because my hair is prone to tangles and it will be a hot matted mess. I'm doing what works for my hair!
During Pregnancy |
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After Pregnancy |
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My hair now (time to regrow those edges) |
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My hair before the trimming |
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thankful Thursday: Journey to Texas Part 4
Well continuing from last week, Raymiah was scheduled for a brain scan the next day which was July 11 at 8am. Rylee and Ray III was with their aunt and me and Ray decided to get some rest. We really didn't want to leave Raymiah's room, but Ray thought it was best to at least sleep comfortably, so we checked in the Ronald McDonald's house which was located in the hospital. We checked in at 1am and as soon as I began to get comfortable, my contractions started. I was able to sleep a few hours through it all. Then at 6:30 am, I woke up Ray and we were headed next door to St. Luke's Hospital.
We checked into St. Luke's and the nurses started to gather some information. They were confused about our whole situation and I began to weep when they asked for our residence address. We didn't know what to say because the day before we had to move. Ray gave them his parents address and told them our situation. So the other nurse came in to check how much time I had before I delivered and we received unexpected news. She told us that the baby maybe breached and a c-section would be my option to deliver the baby. Without us asking for a second opinion, she pulled out the sonogram and we saw that the baby was in proper position to deliver vaginally. Then I was told I was 9 cm dilated. They prepped me and I was rushed into the room to deliver. By this time, it was around 7:30am. With 30 minutes until Raymiah's scheduled scan, we were playing the waiting game. Ray was leaving at 7:50 to meet with Raymiah's doctors next door at TCH. Then as I was prepared for Ray not to be at our baby's birth, I had the urge to push. He informed the nurses and I was told to wait till the doctor arrived. He arrived at 7:59 and the baby's head was already out all he had left to do was to grab her and cut the cord. Reelaiah Abigail Burns was born at 8:03am!
Ray stayed around a few minutes and left to tend to Raymiah. After the scheduled brain scan, we had to wait till noon for the results. While Ray waited he came back to me and Reelaiah for a few minutes and went back across the street. So now, it's about 1pm and the results were in...Raymiah had a birthmark on her brain in the shape of a star. It resembled an AVM, but it is a cluster of venous veins. This means the cluster of is very low pressure and harmless. The seizure may have been linked to a fever she had the week before. While this was good news and we began to rejoice, the enemy threw in another issue. CPS (Child Protective Services) came to my room and said they found traces of marijuana in my blood. I was shocked to say the least! I asked her to test me again because that was not true. She said it wasn't found in Reelaiah's system but they wanted to keep an eye on me. (yea) I immediately called Ray to meet me in my recovery room and told him the news. We waited for the lady to return and demanded she do a retest or use my cord blood. She refused and didn't want to double check in fears that she was wrong. We told her our situation because she thought we had ran away from Illinois and linked Raymiah's seizure to our "lifestyle".
We quickly recovered from that report because that was unbelievable to hear. The enemy is tricky but that was just stupidity. We ever saw that woman again.
A few hours after the birth of Reelaiah, I sent her to the nursery while I visited Raymiah as the doctors took her off the respirator. As the tubing came out, she began to cry softly for me. It was a joyous occasion and I cried tears of joy and relief knowing that my daughter would recover and all will be well. The doctors was shocked to see me walk in the room after delivering Reelaiah, but I couldn't miss that for the world. One of the EMT's from the medical center came by to check on us and pray with us which was a surprise because we definitely expect that from her. It wasn't just a job to her, but she truly cared. I thank God for that. We was surrounded by great doctors who did all they could for our family.
I checked out of the hospital Wednesday, July 13 and was allowed to stay in Raymiah's new room until she was released on Friday. Raymiah was off of the sedatives and she was able to meet Reelaiah for the first time.
We checked into St. Luke's and the nurses started to gather some information. They were confused about our whole situation and I began to weep when they asked for our residence address. We didn't know what to say because the day before we had to move. Ray gave them his parents address and told them our situation. So the other nurse came in to check how much time I had before I delivered and we received unexpected news. She told us that the baby maybe breached and a c-section would be my option to deliver the baby. Without us asking for a second opinion, she pulled out the sonogram and we saw that the baby was in proper position to deliver vaginally. Then I was told I was 9 cm dilated. They prepped me and I was rushed into the room to deliver. By this time, it was around 7:30am. With 30 minutes until Raymiah's scheduled scan, we were playing the waiting game. Ray was leaving at 7:50 to meet with Raymiah's doctors next door at TCH. Then as I was prepared for Ray not to be at our baby's birth, I had the urge to push. He informed the nurses and I was told to wait till the doctor arrived. He arrived at 7:59 and the baby's head was already out all he had left to do was to grab her and cut the cord. Reelaiah Abigail Burns was born at 8:03am!

We quickly recovered from that report because that was unbelievable to hear. The enemy is tricky but that was just stupidity. We ever saw that woman again.
A few hours after the birth of Reelaiah, I sent her to the nursery while I visited Raymiah as the doctors took her off the respirator. As the tubing came out, she began to cry softly for me. It was a joyous occasion and I cried tears of joy and relief knowing that my daughter would recover and all will be well. The doctors was shocked to see me walk in the room after delivering Reelaiah, but I couldn't miss that for the world. One of the EMT's from the medical center came by to check on us and pray with us which was a surprise because we definitely expect that from her. It wasn't just a job to her, but she truly cared. I thank God for that. We was surrounded by great doctors who did all they could for our family.
I checked out of the hospital Wednesday, July 13 and was allowed to stay in Raymiah's new room until she was released on Friday. Raymiah was off of the sedatives and she was able to meet Reelaiah for the first time.
Raymiah was released and we were headed somewhere...we had no place to go to. We crashed at Ray's parents RV until we figured something out. We shared a queen sized bed, all six of us. We slept lightly to keep a close eye on Raymiah. Ray left early the next morning to go to work which now was an hour away! We stayed at the RV until Ray came back and when he did, we started to clean out the other RV to make it liveable. The next day, we went to church. Reelaiah's barely a week old and Raymiah's recovering, but we couldn't stay home. God had been so good to us.
A few weeks later, we received a call from CPS again requesting that we take a drug test. They took pictures of my babies just in case they had a case. We rushed to take the drug test with only 5 minutes to spare because Ray had to be at work. We waited to hear from them after the test, but we never heard from them again. Thank you Jesus!!!
Currently we are still in the RV saving money and waiting on God in the process. We know that He has something great in store or us and He has placed some awesome, encouraging people in our lives. People who is there for us and who is inspiring. We love them dearly and thank God for them. They have been there with us since our Texas journey begin.
Continue to pray for us and know that God is getting the glory out of our lives. We haven't gone crazy like some think..we are much stronger and faith-ful like never before.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Precious Moments
This just completed my evening. Reelaiah's sleeping with Rylee's dirty little doll.
It's the little things that matters most!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A gift from the hubby
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Acer Iconia a100 tablet 7" |
I am slowly coming around to appreciating what I receive and realizing that I deserve to have things too.
Remembering my Grandmother: Ruby Mae Gibson
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Grandma in her younger years |
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Left to Right: My mom, grandma, and uncle |
The summer of 2001, we were celebrating her birthday and she jumped rope with us, mind you she was in her 70s! She always surprised us and her age didn't stop her from enjoying herself.
My grandmother health has been a roller coaster ride for nearly a decade. I unclear of every instance, but what I know is that she had issues with her blood pressure and she had to change her lifestyle. She quit smoking and didn't eat a lot of fatty foods. She'll eat a whole onion and tomatoes with no problem. She had a heart transplant and had to use a pace maker. The week before and of Thanksgiving 2004, I visited my grandmother daily to tend to her, feed her, and pray for her. I owed that much to her for all the things she has done for me. She showed me how important family is and I know that because of that example, I am able to handle the stresses that dealing with certain family members and because of the word of God that I am able to back up everything I do. My grandmother said to me on her death bed, "When are you gonna marry that Ray?" I laughed because I didn't expect her to say that. I knew that that would be our last conversation. She is dearly missed and she is the reason why I choose to have a house full of children. If she was alive today, she'll take my babies and bite their jaws and nipple their feet. LOL
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Fab Find
I picked up these fabulous boots at Ross while shopping with my friend. I've been looking for some super cute, super comfy boots that'll fit my leg. I finally found them! Yayyyy!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thankful Thursday: Journey to Texas Part 3
At the end of June, we hit a major bump in the road. The owners were in dispute and it became legal. Ray was trying to work things out between the party, but it wasn't working out. It was a Wednesday night after bible study where we were welcomed by a letter from the owner. We had to leave immediately. Thinking we had at least a moth to search for a temporary place to stay, we continued our daily routines. I am in my last days of pregnancy and things were at its peek. Now, around this time in all of my pregnancies, I pray that God will have Ray home to get me to the hospital or just to be around just in case things go on. God has honored my requests and it has definitely worked out for us. First week in July, a kind Constable comes to the door, Ray was home which was a blessing! The Constable served papers to Ray. Funny thing about it was that it wasn't addressed to us but to one of the other owners. We had 3 days to leave! So we had began to pack. Thank God we didn't get settled because I would have have Reelaiah in a box! LOL
July 9 in the evening, we prepared for church, I did the girls hair, fed the family and laid out the clothes. We had nothing planned, all we know we can rely on getting to church! We woke up at 5 am the next morning finishing our packing and loading things on the truck. We knew something was up. God awaken both me and Ray with a word to get the kids dressed and finish loading things. At this time, we were boxes away from finishing when the unthinkable happened.
All of the kids are outside playing on last time at the house while we're finalizing the the house, little Ray got Ray's attention to rush outside to find Raymiah seizing. It was a sight that will forever play in my mind. I won't get too graphic, but we rushed into to the hospital which was 15 minutes away...it felt like we've been driving for an hour. I am holding Raymiah pleading the Blood of Jesus like never before and clearing her mouth. We were talking to her and we saw signs that she heard us, but we were terrified! I have never seen Ray so unsure and worried, but hey, this is our baby girl, our lively child who makes us laugh and who takes care of her siblings so well.
We arrive at the entrance of the emergency room at Tomball Medical Center, a nurse grabbed Raymiah and they cut her clothes off and start running tests. She was seizing the entire time which was abnormal. Her vitals was all good and they could not figure out what was wrong. With no prior medical history, they were stomped. This whole time, I felt the baby in my hips and I was highly stressed and uncomfortable. The doctors reassured me that she will be fine, but the sight of everything was anything but fine.
Luckily, we had family in town who watched Rylee and Ray while we were tending to Raymiah. Raymiah was transferred to Texas Children's Hospital an hour later. I rode in the ambulance with her and they EMT's were amazing. They prayed with me and consoled me. Raymiah seizing was controlled and all of a sudden I was comforted by God. I knew she was in good hands and she will recover. We arrived TCH which was a 45 minute drive and the doctors started to run more tests. They checked her to see if she had feeling in her limbs and could follow simple commands. She did everything they asked then some. She gained consciousness and began to cry when they were hooking her up to a catheter and she definitely didn't appreciate that. I exclaimed "Thank You Jesus"! I knew all was well! Ray was minutes away and when he arrived, they doctors gave him an update and what they planned to do.
They had arranged to do a brain scan the next morning. This was just the beginning...
July 9 in the evening, we prepared for church, I did the girls hair, fed the family and laid out the clothes. We had nothing planned, all we know we can rely on getting to church! We woke up at 5 am the next morning finishing our packing and loading things on the truck. We knew something was up. God awaken both me and Ray with a word to get the kids dressed and finish loading things. At this time, we were boxes away from finishing when the unthinkable happened.
All of the kids are outside playing on last time at the house while we're finalizing the the house, little Ray got Ray's attention to rush outside to find Raymiah seizing. It was a sight that will forever play in my mind. I won't get too graphic, but we rushed into to the hospital which was 15 minutes away...it felt like we've been driving for an hour. I am holding Raymiah pleading the Blood of Jesus like never before and clearing her mouth. We were talking to her and we saw signs that she heard us, but we were terrified! I have never seen Ray so unsure and worried, but hey, this is our baby girl, our lively child who makes us laugh and who takes care of her siblings so well.
We arrive at the entrance of the emergency room at Tomball Medical Center, a nurse grabbed Raymiah and they cut her clothes off and start running tests. She was seizing the entire time which was abnormal. Her vitals was all good and they could not figure out what was wrong. With no prior medical history, they were stomped. This whole time, I felt the baby in my hips and I was highly stressed and uncomfortable. The doctors reassured me that she will be fine, but the sight of everything was anything but fine.
Luckily, we had family in town who watched Rylee and Ray while we were tending to Raymiah. Raymiah was transferred to Texas Children's Hospital an hour later. I rode in the ambulance with her and they EMT's were amazing. They prayed with me and consoled me. Raymiah seizing was controlled and all of a sudden I was comforted by God. I knew she was in good hands and she will recover. We arrived TCH which was a 45 minute drive and the doctors started to run more tests. They checked her to see if she had feeling in her limbs and could follow simple commands. She did everything they asked then some. She gained consciousness and began to cry when they were hooking her up to a catheter and she definitely didn't appreciate that. I exclaimed "Thank You Jesus"! I knew all was well! Ray was minutes away and when he arrived, they doctors gave him an update and what they planned to do.
They had arranged to do a brain scan the next morning. This was just the beginning...
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Raymiah, Ray and Reelaiah |
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
What's Cooking?!: Thanksgiving Edition
I enjoy a hearty Thanksgiving meal and by me having a young family, a large turkey and all of the heavy duty spreads will be entirely too much for us and leftovers are a pet peeve of mine so I like to make enough fill us for the day.
On the menu for /thanksgiving, there will be the following:
Stuffed Turkey breast with cornbread stuffing
Honey glazed ham slices
Homemade cranberry sauce
Macaroni and cheese baked
Collared greens
and for dessert, Sweet Potato Pie, 2!
If you are interested in the recipe for the stuffed turkey breast, then keep reading! Now this is a basic recipe so you can add whatever you like to your stuffed turkey...Happy Thanksgiving!!
1 (4-5 lb.) pkg. turkey breast half
2 c stuffing prepared
Salt and pepper for taste
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Rinse turkey; pat dry. With knife, loosen lining under skin leaving all but one edge attached. Toss stuffing with remaining ingredients in large bowl. Spoon into pocket under loosened skin. Secure opening with poultry skewers or toothpicks. Place, skin side up, in shallow roasting pan. Roast 1 1/2 hours. Baste with pan drippings; cover loosely with foil. Roast an additional 45-60 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.
On the menu for /thanksgiving, there will be the following:
Stuffed Turkey breast with cornbread stuffing
Honey glazed ham slices
Homemade cranberry sauce
Macaroni and cheese baked
Collared greens
and for dessert, Sweet Potato Pie, 2!
If you are interested in the recipe for the stuffed turkey breast, then keep reading! Now this is a basic recipe so you can add whatever you like to your stuffed turkey...Happy Thanksgiving!!
1 (4-5 lb.) pkg. turkey breast half
2 c stuffing prepared
Salt and pepper for taste
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Rinse turkey; pat dry. With knife, loosen lining under skin leaving all but one edge attached. Toss stuffing with remaining ingredients in large bowl. Spoon into pocket under loosened skin. Secure opening with poultry skewers or toothpicks. Place, skin side up, in shallow roasting pan. Roast 1 1/2 hours. Baste with pan drippings; cover loosely with foil. Roast an additional 45-60 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Something Funny
I love My Wife and Kids and Tisha Campbell is hilarious on the clip...check it out! LOL
Friday, November 11, 2011
A detangler is a detangler...right?
I came across a commercial about a ALL NEW hair detangling brush called a "Hair Bean". But as I recalled there is already a such thing called the "Tangle Teezer". When will we stop falling for everything that media call new? I will continue to use my regular old $3 detangle brush from Sally's. No harm done!
Tell me, do you see a difference?
Tell me, do you see a difference?
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Tangle Teezer |
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Hair Bean |
Song of the Day!
Ayiesha Woods "One Day"
From the album "Love Like This"
From the album "Love Like This"
Thankful Thursday: Journey to Texas Part 2
After 2 months of searching, we finally came across a home worth pursuing. We owner financed a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 1 acre. It needed work, but anyone who knows our background, knows we were gonna hook it up! LOL...So, my husband flew back to Joliet to grab some of our belongings and drove back in one of our work trucks in which people doubted will ever make it to Texas. With my husband gone those 3 days, I was left behind with the babies and I was alone. I stayed at the poperty the night Ray was driving back to get some cleaning done. He made it and I was glad! The next day, we did some major cleaning and I had thee chance to cook for our family for the first time in 3 months!
So, I am cooking up a storm and the aroma was rising when 3 HUGE, human sized cockroaches crawled out fom behind the stove...UGH! I'm itching just thinking about it! Ugh!! I cried that night but was reassured by my husband, that we had to work with it to get the results we are looking for. This home was in th deep woods/country.
Anyways, after one month, we had to move because of a breached agreement between the owners of the property and they were in dispute. At the time, I am 9 months and due at any time and had to pack up... There was no time to find somewhere to stay. But God had something planned and boy were we in for a test of our lives!!!
So, I am cooking up a storm and the aroma was rising when 3 HUGE, human sized cockroaches crawled out fom behind the stove...UGH! I'm itching just thinking about it! Ugh!! I cried that night but was reassured by my husband, that we had to work with it to get the results we are looking for. This home was in th deep woods/country.
Country living |
Pregnant w/ Reelaiah |
Anyways, after one month, we had to move because of a breached agreement between the owners of the property and they were in dispute. At the time, I am 9 months and due at any time and had to pack up... There was no time to find somewhere to stay. But God had something planned and boy were we in for a test of our lives!!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Michelle Duggar Baby #20!!
Genesis 1:28 "Be fruitful and multiply" a word that Mr and Mrs. Duggar live by...literally!
“We would love however many the Lord seems fit to give us.” Michelle Duggar tells The Today Show. I admire her for her love of motherhood and the Lord has blessed her womb to birth 19 children already! WOW!!! Many worry for the health of her and the unborn child, but I say, Go Go GO...God will protect his own!
Here is a brief bio of the Duggar Family from their blog:
"Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar married July 21st, 1984. At that time, they chose to use the birth control pill. They thought, “We don’t want children right now. We can’t afford them. We want children in our timing, when we’re ready.” Four years later they decided to have their first child. Then, Michelle went back on the pill, but she conceived and had a miscarriage. At that point they talked with a Christian medical doctor and read the fine print in the contraceptives package. They found that while taking the pill you can get pregnant and then miscarry. They were grieved! They were Christians! They were pro-life! They realized that their selfish actions had taken the life of their child."
You see, Michelle and I are alike. We love a big family and want to raise them up in the Lord. I wonder if I'll get to baby #20? Hmmm... What's your take on Michelle's 20th pregnancy?
Here's the interview with the Duggar family:
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Conclusion of "Learning from The Teenager" by Tracie McClinton
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Tracie McClinton Mother of the Teenager |
The teenager has taught me to use my bible. No, I don’t mean fling it at her head, but I’ve heard that can be very motivating for teenagers. Parenting a teenager definitely keeps me in the word of God. I am constantly reading the bible to give her correct answers to her questions. I also use it as an effective tool to show her when she is wrong and her behavior and thinking is not in line with what God intended for children. Then, I say “See, the Lord said it, not me!” She believes the word and I am so glad I don’t have to beat her over the head with it!
The teenager has taught me to say yes. I realize that saying no all of the time does not make me a strong parent. Of course, there are things that I must say no to, but not everything. She has taught me to lighten up. This is not to be confused with compromising our standards! Some things are not negotiable. However, it’s important to have balance. She has plenty of time for disappointments and doors closing. Saying yes when possible is good for both of us and it gives her a chance to build her independence.
The teenager has taught me to trust. Her father and I have spent many years training, teaching and disciplining her. How will we ever know what she’s capable of if we never trust her to stand on what we’ve taught her all these years? I am learning to trust that she has been listening all of those days that I told her make good choices. She has proven to me over and over again that she is listening.
The teenager has taught me to be patient. It takes the teenager an hour to do something that can be done in fifteen minutes. I have come to realize that no amount of yelling and threatening will change this. It’s who she is. So, I wait and pray…..a lot. (Insert “Jesus keep me near the cross because this child is gonna make me lose it.” right here). I can only hope that one day she will be on time…..for something. So, I wait and pray……a lot.
Finally, the teenager has taught me to think quickly on my feet. I recently received a call from her school informing me that would be in detention all day because of a dress code violation. Huh? Unacceptable. I told the teenager to go to the Performing Arts department and find a costume (or something) to wear and get to class! Someone asked how I thought of that. I honestly have no idea. Having a teenager makes you creative and you constantly have to come up with new ways to problem solve because they always come up with new problems!
I recently had the opportunity to meet the teenager’s school principal. She had nothing but nice things to say about the teenager and for a moment I wanted to ask “You mean she doesn’t give you a blank stare and a sigh when you tell her to do something?” Then she said, “Kristin is an awesome young lady.”
And that, my friends, makes it all worth it.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Wanna Be a Featured Blogger??
View the video for details!!
Learning from The Teenager by Tracie McClinton
“Stay with Lord and treat folks right” and “Make good choices” are two phrases that my soon-to-be-17-year-old daughter hears on a regular basis. I am usually yelling these to her as she hops out of the car, rushing to get to school or wherever I am dropping her off to hang out with other soon-to-be-17-year-olds. She invariably gives me a look that says, “Whatever lady” and goes about her day. I refer to her as “The Teenager”. Her name is Kristin, which means, follower of Christ. Her name destined her for my intentions for her life. She is a quirky, non-conformist who goes against the grain. She challenges the absurd. She is brutally honest and asks question on top of question. These are the things that drive me bonkers about her, but these are the things that I love about her.
Raising a teenage girl brings daily questions and situations. As I write this, I realize that there are so many negative things that could easily fill up pages and pages when it comes to teenage girls. There is never a dull moment. Teenage girls change often so there is always something new and interesting to deal with. But, I decided to focus on the positives of parenting instead of the eye-rolling, bad attitudes, slammed doors, yelling, crying, disobedient, whining, look-at-me-when-I’m-talking-to-you and stop- texting-when-I-told-you-to-put-that-phone-away and generally irritating side of parenting a teenager.
There are so many things I want for the teenager. There are days when I wish I could open up her head and pour in the knowledge. I wouldn’t stop there. I would open her heart and pour in all the Christ I could! As a mom, we just want our kids to “get it”. As she gets older I can see her moving further and further away from me toward her own independence. I’m not ready to let go. However, I realize I am letting go every day when I release her into the world. I pray daily that she has a lasting faith in the Lord. I know her faith will be challenged by the influences of friends and circumstances.
Speaking of challenges, boy do we have ours! There are days when I feel like the worst mother in the world and I second-guess myself. Surely a Christian mother would never lose her temper. A Christian mother prays about everything and seeks wise counsel from the Lord and always has a biblically-based answer for everything. Ah…..if only that were true. But, by the grace of God I’ve managed to keep my sanity intact and learned some very valuable lessons on this journey. I never thought a teenager could teach me anything except the all the latest slang-so-I-can-sound-cool-language and how to use all of my electronics. Here are just a few things I’ve learned from parenting a teenager:
The teenager has taught me to pray. And I don’t mean “Jesus keep me near the cross because this child is gonna make me lose it” prayer. I mean really seeking Him for His wisdom and direction in raising her to fulfill the destiny and purpose that God has for her. When I’m at my weakest, God renews my strength and my mind so I am able to shake off yesterday’s parental mistakes and keep going.
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Tracie McClinton, mother of a Teenager |
**Be on the look out for the conclusion of this blog, tomorrow, 11/5/2011!!** Thanks
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thankful Thursday: Journey to Texas
Every Thursday this month, I will reflect on our journey to Texas. I figured that November will be a perfect opportunity to share our ups and downs of our experiences this far and write about how grateful and thankful we are to go through to get to this point in our lives. Let’s begin!
Last year, my husband and I have been thinking about moving once we reached 5 years in our Plainfield home. Things were lining up to make our goal a reality; jobs were coming to a halt because of the winter season approaching and we were ready for a change. We had the mind of ministry and doing missions. We prayed and fasted for God to direct us and in December, we had the means to travel to Texas for Christmas and the New Year. We adjusted quickly to the stress-free environment. Although our vacation was kind of rough, we still enjoyed our time together. We came back to Illinois in January 2011 renewed and a made-up mind.
Not even 2 weeks after coming home from Texas, we packed up our things and stored it away. We stayed with Ray’s sister for a month while we decided on cities to visit and the perfect time to travel. We have begun our search for residency and research schools in the area to narrow our search. February 24, we journeyed to Texas in our truck with our car in tow with some clothes, our flat screen television, and a nice down payment. We were pretty much homeless.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
My daughters hair with Hair One: The Wen Alternative
Just wanted to stop by with some pictures of my girls hair texture and curl pattern with Hair One in their hair. I love how different their textures are. I prayed before I start having kids, that my daughters have different types of hair so I can know how to work with all hair types. I wonder how Reelaiah's hair will be?
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Raymiah's hair (tighter curl pattern) |
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Rylee's hair (loosened curl pattern) |
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Just thought this picture was cute! ;o) |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Protecting our hair: Winter 2011
With the winter months approaching, I am beginning my research on ways to protect me and my daughters hair. I am STILL learning how to braid. I stopped learning because I think braids are not "girly" enough for me. Now this is my opinion. I know there are different styles, but I am still up in the air with the idea of braiding our hair. But what I decided to do for our hair is twists. My hair is not a fan of twists because it doesn't hold and I hate to add 30 different products in my hair to make it work. I am considering Senegalese twists or rope twists. I will be doing it myself, because I rather not pay for something I can learn to do myself in the comfort of my home. But for my girls, I will attempt braid styles that fits their personalities; I won't go the lazy route and style their hair once a month, but it will be on a weekly basis because our hair tangle easily protected or not. Natural hair varies from person to person and I have learned what works best for us.
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A cute little style for the girls. But without the extensions and without being so tight. We want to keep their edges. Also, moisture is essential! |
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- Antoinette
- Wife of 7 years, mother of 4 (one baking in the oven),Christian and Virtuous!