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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Learning how to BE QUIET!

Have you ever gotten yourself in a conversation that was a time-waster and you think to yourself, "Why did I even entertain that foolishness?" Well, lately I caught myself in conversations of this sort, unintentionally. I get off the phone or walk away upset and bothered while the other person have not a care in the world! Why do we continue to be others trash cans? Well enough is enough.  I have learned which conversations to avoid with the help of two expert teachers, my husband and a great friend of mine. They don't care for foolishness and I am willing to be their grasshopper in training. LOL

In the past, I avoided any possible communication with those who are not like-minded. People wouldn't hear from me in months and this wold be one of the reasons why. I hate gossip and trash-talking, it leaves me with bitter thoughts about the people talking trash. The bible says let no corrupt communication come from your mouth (Ephesians 4:29) and I believe it goes had in hand with listening to it (being a garbage can). My pastor spoke of this very same thing and somehow now it seems people have gotten clever at tricking me to listen. Now I respond emotionally to rid myself from conversing before I would simply hang up. But my wise counsel has taught me to either change the subject to something totally random or not to respond at all. Easier said than done, but I cannot be apart of foolishness! How do you deal with it?

What's in a name?

I have always been fascinated with names and their meanings and have noticed that the name you're given have an impact on your personality and character. In the bible, God changed Jacob's name to Israel. This establishes a new identity, a new calling. Jacob means supplanter or he who follows whereas Israel means having power with God. He also changed both Abram and Sarai's names to Abraham and Sarah.

So, what is the point? Words have power. What we speak or are named have power. Upon realizing this and searching the scripture,  have decided to take extra precaution on how we name our children. Luckily, God was with us when we were named. Antoinette means beyond praise or praise-worthy and my husband's name, Raymond means mighty wise protector. 

So, what does your name stand for?


Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday Raymiah and Happy Courtship Anniversary to ME! LOL

Today marks two special occasions in my life!
1. The courtship of me and my husband (6/25/2003)
2. The birth of my big girl, Raymiah (6/25/2006)

Raymiah celebrates her 6th birthday today and have been celebrating since this past Saturday! We took her to Humble, Texas to Old Macdonald's Farm where she and her siblings rode ponies, trains, fed farm animals, played in sand mounds and playgrounds. We have a fun filled day. I made all of the food: fruit kabobs and finger sandwiches. It was cute and fed us comfortably in the humidity. Today, we stopped at Chuck E Cheese. You can never go wrong with CEC! It was a great day for my big girl!

Ray and I also share this day as our anniversary of our courtship. Only I celebrate this day or actually look back at what made us, us.

P.S. The date was not planned! LOL

Pictures and video footage of Raymiah's birthday will be posted this week!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Englewood- Lord send a revival!

Derrick Rose, Bernie Mac, Carol Mosley-Braun, The Pargo Brothers all raised in the city's South side. I am also apart of this group. By the look of this list, Englewood has bred some great people. Every person's story differs more extreme than others. I was born and raised in the Englewood community. An urban development that has a status of murders and hatred. My family lived in several parts of this community and are still in the heart of it. My dad, a community activity who worked along side of Barack Obama still work toward reviving this dream strickened community. Summer was the most horrific times of the year for this town. You would think the kids would enjoy water balloon fights and the great beaches in the city, but they are on lockdown in their homes because of the gun violence that seeps across the neighborhoods all day long. Not even your homes are safe. I had a friend I mentored back in 8th grade who was gun down in her second floor apartment. Not one day went by that I didn't fear for my life.

 I attended Ralph Bunche Elementary which now a charter school for kindergarten, Francis Parker Elementary (only 3 months) for 1st which is closed, and Charles Earle Elementary for the remaining school year for 1st grade though 8th grade. Paul Robeson High all four years and had more than a dozen of my pupils commit suicide, murdered, drop out or kicked out. Each school I had to walk every morning and afternoon, walking pass drugies and thugs. I was terrified! I decided to ride the CTA (public transportation) to school on occasions and was in the midst of fights with students fighting each whether from the same school or rival schools or even with the driver of the bus. Some drivers refused to drive us without police escorts. I've seen obscene behavior on those walks home too vulgar to write. I had family who were gun down or the cause of violence and drug abuse. My eyes have seen much.

 My prayer is that my family is safe. Englewood is a death trap and I ask that you who are reading would say a prayer for the residents of the City of Chicago. Summer time is the worst time for this city and many families are mourning as I write this. I pray for the pastors of this community to become a model for the young men and show them there's a better way to live and that is to live in Christ. Englewood lacks a father figure and support from the community pastors. Everyone is fearing for their lives and it shouldn't be this way.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Song of the Day: Father's Day Edition


Men play a valuable role in a child's life. Whether you are a father, father figure, uncle, pastor, or friend, your positive influence help mold a child's life. The saying is true that, "no one's perfect", but you can make a difference if you set yourself for it. There are times you may have not been your best or a better example, but luckily it's never too late to change a child's life.

I am very grateful for my dad. We may not agree all of the time, but my dad has given me an example of a provider and a father of many children. I love my dad!

I am also grateful for my husband. He has been a beautiful example of a Godly husband and father. Our children are so blessed and they know that!!! I honor my husband this Father's Day! Thank you for being a leader in our family! I love you dearly!!
My honey bun!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Every pregnancy is different... I believe it now!

Upon my knowledge of my 5th pregnancy, I am aware that I cannot eat a variety of foods nor can I take the smell of them. My choices are slimmed down to fruits, yogurts and juices. During my other pregnancies, I had choices and favorites. What is this baby doing to me??
One thing that is similar to the other pregnancies are my weight and food intake. I lose a lot during my first trimester and I only eat small portions. It is like my stomach is smaller.
One major difference is sickness. I never experienced morning sickness. I was out with the ladies and just had the urge to vomit... I was embarrassed because I never had to do that!

I guess I can relate to the other mothers now... that every pregnancy is different!

What was your most memorable pregnancy story?