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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Journey to Texas Part 3

At the end of June, we hit a major bump in the road. The owners were in dispute and it became legal. Ray was trying to work things out between the party, but it wasn't working out. It was a Wednesday night after bible study where we were welcomed by a letter from the owner. We had to leave immediately. Thinking we had at least a moth to search for a temporary place to stay, we continued our daily routines. I am in my last days of pregnancy and things were at its peek. Now, around this time in all of my pregnancies, I pray that God will have Ray home to get me to the hospital or just to be around just in case things go on. God has honored my requests and it has definitely worked out for us. First week in July, a kind Constable comes to the door, Ray was home which was a blessing! The Constable served papers to Ray. Funny thing about it was that it wasn't addressed to us but to one of the other owners. We had 3 days to leave! So we had began to pack. Thank God we didn't get settled because I would have have Reelaiah in a box! LOL

July 9 in the evening, we prepared for church, I did the girls hair, fed the family and laid out the clothes. We had nothing planned, all we know we can rely on getting to church! We woke up at 5 am the next morning finishing our packing and loading things on the truck. We knew something was up. God awaken both me and Ray with a word to get the kids dressed and finish loading things. At this time, we were boxes away from finishing when the unthinkable happened.

All of the kids are outside playing on last time at the house while we're finalizing the the house, little Ray got Ray's attention to rush outside to find Raymiah seizing. It was a sight that will forever play in my mind. I won't get too graphic, but we rushed into to the hospital which was 15 minutes felt like we've been driving for an hour. I am holding Raymiah pleading the Blood of Jesus like never before and clearing her mouth. We were talking to her and we saw signs that she heard us, but we were terrified! I have never seen Ray so unsure and worried, but hey, this is our baby girl, our lively child who makes us laugh and who takes care of her siblings so well.

We arrive at the entrance of the emergency room at Tomball Medical Center, a nurse grabbed Raymiah and they cut her clothes off and start running tests. She was seizing the entire time which was abnormal. Her vitals was all good and they could not figure out what was wrong. With no prior medical history, they were stomped. This whole time, I felt the baby in my hips and I was highly stressed and uncomfortable. The doctors reassured me that she will be fine, but the sight of everything was anything but fine.

Luckily, we had family in town who watched Rylee and Ray while we were tending to Raymiah. Raymiah was transferred to Texas Children's Hospital an hour later. I rode in the ambulance with her and they EMT's were amazing. They prayed with me and consoled me. Raymiah seizing was controlled and all of a sudden I was comforted by God. I knew she was in good hands and she will recover. We arrived TCH which was a 45 minute drive and the doctors started to run more tests. They checked her to see if she had feeling in her limbs and could follow simple commands. She did everything they asked then some. She gained consciousness and began to cry when they were hooking her up to a catheter and she definitely didn't appreciate that. I exclaimed "Thank You Jesus"! I knew all was well! Ray was minutes away and when he arrived, they doctors gave him an update and what they planned to do.

They had arranged to do a brain scan the next morning. This was just the beginning...
Raymiah, Ray and Reelaiah

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