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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Journey to Texas

Every Thursday this month, I will reflect on our journey to Texas. I figured that November will be a perfect opportunity to share our ups and downs of our experiences this far and write about how grateful and thankful we are to go through to get to this point in our lives.  Let’s begin!

Last year, my husband and I have been thinking about moving once we reached 5 years in our Plainfield home. Things were lining up to make our goal a reality; jobs were coming to a halt because of the winter season approaching and we were ready for a change. We had the mind of ministry and doing missions. We prayed and fasted for God to direct us and in December, we had the means to travel to Texas for Christmas and the New Year. We adjusted quickly to the stress-free environment. Although our vacation was kind of rough, we still enjoyed our time together. We came back to Illinois in January 2011 renewed and a made-up mind.
Not even 2 weeks after coming home from Texas, we packed up our things and stored it away. We stayed with Ray’s sister for a month while we decided on cities to visit and the perfect time to travel. We have begun our search for residency and research schools in the area to narrow our search.  February 24, we journeyed to Texas in our truck with our car in tow with some clothes, our flat screen television, and a nice down payment. We were pretty much homeless.
After a day of driving we stopped at a resort and re-cooped for a week with our laptop open and Craigslist ads in hand, mapping out our home search.  At this time, we were near San Antonio in a really nice resort with a wonderful view. People would call us and ask if we stopped by this place or that place, which frustrated us because we were not on vacation, but trying to find a new life for our family. Daily we met with God seeking direction and peace throughout this process and He definitely came through for us. After left the resort, we drove toward Dallas, rested there for a few days while looking for a home, then journeyed down to Houston. When we made it to Houston, which was in March, we stayed with Ray’s parents in their RV. When you talk about tight, it was TIGHT! My husband and I with our three kids and 5/6 months pregnant in the heat and living condition were unbearable. Our emotions got the best of us. We walked into this journey knowing how rough it would be, I was then reminded of the words of people saying that they were against our move. We began to pray and cry out to God. His peace then again fell upon me and I felt as if I can make it…and we did. But that was just the beginning…

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