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Monday, August 20, 2012

Dating my husband: Bringing Blissful Moments Back

I am learning to take time out for my husband. With the hustle and bustle of family life and education, he is always the last on my list. Whether men want to believe or not and thankfully, my husband has admitted that he needs attention. Not does he need the attention, but so do you! I can remember complaining about not having enough adult conversation and company. Everyday I am at home with a group of toddlers, it is normal to want to get away a few hours.

Children changes a marriage. Before children came into the picture, date night was EVERY night! As our family changed so did our chance of having alone time. Everyone can attest that the first year or so in a marriage is the most testing and exciting ride of our lives, but how do we continue with the stresses of life bogging us down?

We found ways to spend time with each other. Sometimes, I may work with my husband for the day. This gives us time to catch up with each other and may even learn something new! Other times, we may take a walk or just find a babysitter and go out. We don't spend a ton of money to enjoy each other company, but when we do, we go all out! Those few hours definitely make a difference.

With our wedding anniversary approaching, we will do things a little differently. We will attempt a weekend work just my husband and I. We both deserve some relaxation and conversation.

What is your ideal date night?

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